Environment and Breast Cancer: Science Review

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Cancer studies: Mammary gland tumors
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Originating list
The list(s) or database(s) in which the chemical was identified as showing an increase in mammary gland tumors. CPDB: Carcinogenic Potency Database, IARC: International Agency for Research on Chemicals Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man summaries, NTP TR: National Toxicology Program (NTP) Technical Reports, NTP 11ROC: NTP 11th Report on Carcinogens, CCRIS: Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information Service.
IARC Monographs, Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System
Mammary gland tumor summary
A summary of findings related to mammary gland tumors, most often excerpted from IARC Monographs or the NTP 11th ROC, and, in some cases, supplemented by our evaluation of individual studies and reviews, is available for the priority chemicals and 67 others.
IARC 1990: When administered orally, female rats demonstrated an increase in the incidence of mammary fibroadenomas. An NTP study of nitrofurantoin did not find mammary gland tumors.
Citations to review sources and individual studies reporting mammary gland tumors are listed below.
Source Type
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to man.VOL.: 50 (1990) (p. 211) Nitrofurantoin. Summary of Data Reported and Evaluation.
Administration by diet induced mammary tumors in female rats. [The Working Group noted the small number of animals used]: Wang 1984.
Carcinogenic Potency Database 2005. Gold LS ST, Manley NB, Garfinkel GB, Ames BN. Summary Table by Chemical of Carcinogenicity Results in CPDB on 1485 Chemicals. 2005
Three of nine studies report mammary tumors: Butler 1990, Morris 1969, Wang 1984. Six studies did not report mammary tumors: NTP TR341, Stitzel 1989, Ito 1983, Hasegawa 1990, Cohen 1973, Butler 1990.
Butler WH, Graham TC, Sutton ML. Chronic toxicity and oncogenicity studies of Macrodantin in Sprague-Dawley rats. Food Chem Toxicol 1990;28(4):269-77.
Primary Literature
Morris JE, Price JM, Lalich JJ, Stein RJ. The carcinogenic activity of some 5-nitrofuran derivatives in the rat. Cancer Res 1969;29(12):2145-56.
Primary Literature
Wang CY, Croft WA, Bryan GT. Tumor production in germ-free rats fed 5-nitrofurans. Cancer Lett 1984;21(3):303-8.
Primary Literature
Butler WH, Graham TC, Sutton ML. Oncogenicity study of macrodantin in Swiss mice. Food Chem Toxicol 1990;28(1):49-54.
Primary Literature
A study listed by CPDB 2005 that did not report mammary tumors.
Cohen SM, Erturk E, Von Esch AM, Crovetti AJ, Bryan GT. Carcinogenicity of 5-nitrofurans, 5-nitroimidazoles, 4-nitrobenzenes, and related compounds. J Natl Cancer Inst 1973;51(2):403-17.
Primary Literature
A study listed by CPDB 2005 that did not report mammary tumors.
Hasegawa R, Murasaki G, St John MK, Zenser TV, Cohen SM. Evaluation of nitrofurantoin on the two stages of urinary bladder carcinogenesis in the rat. Toxicology 1990;62(3):333-47.
Primary Literature
A study listed by CPDB 2005 that did not report mammary tumors.
Ito A, Naito M, Naito Y, Watanabe H. Tumorigenicity test of N-(5-Nitro-2-furfurylidene)-1-aminohydantoin by dietary administration in BDF1 mice. Hiroshima J Med Sci 1983;32(1):99-102.
Primary Literature
A study listed by CPDB 2005 that did not report mammary tumors.
Stitzel KA, McConnell RF, Dierckman TA. Effects of nitrofurantoin on the primary and secondary reproductive organs of female B6C3F1 mice. Toxicol Pathol 1989;17(4 Pt 2):774-81.
Primary Literature
A study listed by CPDB 2005 that did not report mammary tumors.
National Toxicology Program Technical Report 341, 1989
Primary Literature
National Toxicology Program 11th Report on Carcinogens, Table 1. Chemicals nominated to the National Toxicology Program for in-depth toxicological evaluation for carcinogenesis testing in fiscal years 1988-2003.
Not nominated for NTP testing in 1998-2003.