Environment and Breast Cancer: Science Review

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Cancer studies: Mammary gland tumors
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Originating list
The list(s) or database(s) in which the chemical was identified as showing an increase in mammary gland tumors. CPDB: Carcinogenic Potency Database, IARC: International Agency for Research on Chemicals Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man summaries, NTP TR: National Toxicology Program (NTP) Technical Reports, NTP 11ROC: NTP 11th Report on Carcinogens, CCRIS: Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information Service.
National Toxicology Program 11th Report on Carcinogens, Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System
Mammary gland tumor summary
A summary of findings related to mammary gland tumors, most often excerpted from IARC Monographs or the NTP 11th ROC, and, in some cases, supplemented by our evaluation of individual studies and reviews, is available for the priority chemicals and 67 others.
NTP 11th ROC: Female rats administered cyclophosphamide by intraperitoneal injection developed benign and malignant mammary-gland tumors. Mice administered cyclophosphamide by subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injection developed benign and malignant tumors at various sites, including the mammary gland.
Citations to review sources and individual studies reporting mammary gland tumors are listed below.
Source Type
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to man.VOL.: 26 (1981) (p. 165) Cyclophosphamide. Summary of Data Reported and Evaluation.
Subcutaneous injections induced mammary tumors in female mice. [No age-standardized comparison of tumor incidences was carried out. The Working Group noted that in the absence of age-adjusted comparisons, early death of NZB/NZW hybrid strain mice from autoimmune disease precluded direct comparison with treated mice]: Walker 1979. Subcutaneous injections induced mammary tumors in female mice: Schmahl 1970. Intraperitoneal injections induced mammary tumors in mice (sex unspecified): Tokuoka 1965. Intraperitoneal injections induced mammary tumors in female rats. [The Working Group considered that the inadequate reporting or certain items, such as survival times, the amalgamation of various experimental groups and tumor types, as well as the lack of age-adjustment in the analyses precluded a complete evaluation of this study]: Weisburger 1975.
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to man.VOL.: Supplement 7 (1987) (p. 182) Cyclophosphamide. Summary of Data Reported and Evaluation.
Produced benign and malignant tumors at various sites. Does not mention mammary tumors specifically.
National Toxicology Program 11th Report on Carcinogens. Cyclophosphamide.
Female rats administered cyclophosphamide by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection developed benign and malignant mammary-gland tumors. Mice administered cyclophosphamide by subcutaneous or i.p. injection developed benign and malignant mammary gland tumors (IARC 1981, 1987).
Schmahl D, Osswald H. Experimental studies on the carcinogenic effects of anticancer chemotherapeutics and immunosuppressive agents (German). Arzneimittelforschung. 1970 Oct;20(10):1461-7.
Primary Literature
Tokuoka S. Induction of tumor in mice with N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N',O-propylenephosphoric acid ester diamide (cyclophosphamide). Gann. 1965 Dec;56(6):537-41.
Primary Literature
Walker SE, Anver MR. Accelerated appearance of neoplasms in female NZB/NZW mice treated with high-dose cyclophosphamide. Arthritis Rheum. 1979;22:1338-43.
Primary Literature
Weisburger JH, Griswold DP, Prejean JD, Casey AE, Wood HB, Weisburger EK. The carcinogenic properties of some of the principal drugs used in clinical cancer chemotherapy. Recent Results Cancer Res. 1975(52):1-17.
Primary Literature
National Toxicology Program 11th Report on Carcinogens, Table 1. Chemicals nominated to the National Toxicology Program for in-depth toxicological evaluation for carcinogenesis testing in fiscal years 1988-2003.
Not nominated for NTP testing in 1998-2003.