Environment and Breast Cancer: Science Review

1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and breast cancer: combined analysis of five U.S. studies.[see comment]
Laden, F., Collman, G., Iwamoto, K., Alberg, A. J., Berkowitz, G. S., Freudenheim, J. L., Hankinson, S. E., Helzlsouer, K. J., Holford, T. R., Huang, H. Y., Moysich, K. B., Tessari, J. D., Wolff, M. S., Zheng, T., Hunter, D. J. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2001. 93:10, 768-76.

Topic area
Body size
Body size
Study design
Pooled analysis of five studies that have different study designs
Pooled analysis of five studies that have different study designs
Funding agency

Study Participants
Number of Cases
Menopausal Status
Post menopausal
The menopausal status of women included in this study is listed here.
Pre menopausalPost menopausal
Number of Controls
Participant selection: Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Criteria used to select participants in the study.
In: women who participated in one of five studies in the following areas: New York State, Connecticut, Maryland, and from one of 31 states (Nurses' Health Study)
Comment about participation selection
Strengths: analyzed the association between breast cancer and the most abundant organochlorine contaminants (DDE and PCBs) stratified by BMI; blood was collected from patients before treatment; each study was analyzed similarly Limitations: few obese cases (BMI > 30); pooled regardless of study design; dates of blood collection and location of residence of participants differed between studies; scope of the findings were somewhat limited; blood was obtained more than 10 years after the organochlorine contaminants were banned in the United States
Strengths: analyzed the association between breast cancer and the most abundant organochlorine contaminants (DDE and PCBs) stratified by BMI; blood was collected from patients before treatment; each study was analyzed similarly Limitations: few obese cases (BMI > 30); pooled regardless of study design; dates of blood collection and location of residence of participants differed between studies; scope of the findings were somewhat limited; blood was obtained more than 10 years after the organochlorine contaminants were banned in the United States
How exposure was measured
Breast cancer outcome investigated
Primary breast cancer
Primary breast cancer
Ethnic groups with separate analysis
If this study provided a separate analysis by ethnic or racial group, the groups are listed here.
Confounders considered
Other breast cancer risk factors, such as family history, age at first birth, and hormone replacement therapy use, that were taken into account in the study.
Adequately controlled, Confounders: age, menopausal status and race
Genetic characterization included
If the study analyzed relationships between environmental factors and inherited genetic variations, this field will be marked “Yes.” “No”, if not.
Description of major analysis
Effect modifiers: lipid-adjusted PCB
Effect modifiers: lipid-adjusted PCB
Strength of associations reported
Association between breast cancer risk and lipid adjusted polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) blood levels, 0.75-2.62 micrograms/grams of lipids vs. 0.14-0.35, in women with a BMI < 24.9, OR=0.88(0.59-1.31) trend p=0.59
Association between breast cancer risk and lipid adjusted polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) blood levels, 0.75-2.62 micrograms/grams of lipids vs. 0.14-0.35, in women with a BMI > 30, OR=0.42(0.15-1.19) trend p=0.09
Association between breast cancer risk and lipid adjusted polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) blood levels, 0.75-2.62 micrograms/grams of lipids vs. 0.14-0.35, in women with a BMI < 24.9, OR=0.88(0.59-1.31) trend p=0.59
Association between breast cancer risk and lipid adjusted polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) blood levels, 0.75-2.62 micrograms/grams of lipids vs. 0.14-0.35, in women with a BMI > 30, OR=0.42(0.15-1.19) trend p=0.09

Author address
Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. francine.laden@channing.harvard.edu
Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. francine.laden@channing.harvard.edu